Emma Consedine

Chief Executive Officer

Emma Southward

Transforming the way we access global talent

As CEO, it’s my job to ensure a high level of governance and best practice for our business operations. With my corporate background and MBA in tow, I bring a level of expectation and performance for the company, while positioning us to meet the market trends and provide solutions that are valuable to our clients. I live and breathe this business, so that kiwi companies can keep moving forward with the best people on their team.

After graduating with a BA in sociology, I spent time in the corporate world where I later went on to complete a Master of Business Administration.

Projects I’ve worked on in the past include Digital Strategies, HR & Recruitment Strategies, Target Operating Models, Balanced Scorecards, Distribution Strategies, Change Management on large transformations, and Operation Risk Assessments.

I love mentoring New Zealand women in technology, supporting them to realise and showcase their potential, and regularly speak at events where I can inspire women to embrace their role in the technology industry.

When I do find myself with spare time, I love to get out into nature, spending quality time with my family and dogs, and slowly renovating my 1910 kauri villa.


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